Nearby / A little further away

Relaxing > Nearby / A little further away

5 activity ideas

By foot / By bike

Hiking trails and viewpoints

In the area

The farm inns (Haute-Borne, Pierberg, …)

In the area

The Auguste-Quiquerez Trail

5 min

The Castle of Soyhières

50 min

10 min

Bicycle paths

In the area

6 activity ideas

A little further on


20 min


30 min


25 min

The Franches-Montagnes

30 min

The pond of the Gruère

30 min


50 min

45 min

other discoveries

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Selected activities near Vorbourg 15

The unpublished

Customized activities to get out of the ordinary

We wish you an unforgettable experience at Vorbourg 15 